Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn. Show all posts

November 24, 2023

November—with uncanny witchery

A quote from The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery: November—with uncanny witchery in its changed trees. With murky red sunsets flaming in smoky crimson behind the westering hills. With dear days when the austere woods were beautiful and gracious in a dignified serenity of folded hands and closed eyes—days full of a fine, pale sunshine that sifted through the late, leafless gold of the juniper-trees and glimmered among the grey beeches, lighting up evergreen banks of moss and washing the colonnades of the pines.

"November—with uncanny witchery in its changed trees. With murky red sunsets flaming in smoky crimson behind the westering hills. With dear days when the austere woods were beautiful and gracious in a dignified serenity of folded hands and closed eyes—days full of a fine, pale sunshine that sifted through the late, leafless gold of the juniper-trees and glimmered among the grey beeches, lighting up evergreen banks of moss and washing the colonnades of the pines."
-L.M. Montgomery
The Blue Castle

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read the The Blue Castle:

The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

Created November 24, 2023. Last updated April 19, 2024.

November 22, 2022

Even in grey November...

A quote on grey November by L.M. Montgomery in A Tangled Web.

"Spring would come back even in grey November and her poor, cold, dead, little heart would beat again."
-L.M. Montgomery
A Tangled Web

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read A Tangled Web:

A Tangled Web by L.M. Montgomery

Created November 22, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

November 14, 2022

Anne of Green Gables Watercolor Print and Quote

Anne of Green Gables Watercolor Print by Lane Martin and Quote by L.M. Montgomery

Here's a lovely gift idea for an Anne of Green Gables fan. It's a pretty fall watercolor print by the artist Lane Martin with a quote by L.M. Montgomery from Anne of Green Gables. You can customize your order to be printed on different types of paper or canvas in a variety of sizes (8 x 10", 11 x 14" or 18 x 24"). Several framing choices are available for the print too.

Created November 14, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

November 05, 2022

November had been a vexing month

Quote about November being a vexing month by L.M. Montgomery in Mistress Pat.

"But November had been a vexing month all day glorious...the next day savage."
-L.M. Montgomery
Mistress Pat

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read the Pat of Silver Bush series:

Pat of Silver Bush by L.M. Montgomery Mistress Pat by L.M. Montgomery

Created November 5, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

November 02, 2022

Nutting Song by L.M. Montgomery

The Farm Journal masthead, November 1906

In November 1906, L.M. Montgomery published the poem/song lyrics "Nutting Song" in The Farm Journal, a journal devoted to the farm, orchard, garden, poultry and household economy. The journal's motto was "Practical not Fancy Farming."

Here is a digitized image of the poem scanned from microfilm available at

Nutting Song by L.M. Montgomery, Poem in The Farm Journal, November 1906

Here is the full text of the poem:


Light, light, rings our laughter
O’er valley and hill,
To chime with the musical
Call of the rill.
The blue skies above
With their sunshine o'erflow,
And over the meadows
Beguiling winds blow—
Heigh-ho for the nutting.

Through the boughs of the chestnuts
The mellow lights fall,
And the song of the nutters
Rings clear over all.
The maples are flame
On the crest of the hill,
And amethyst hazes
The far valleys fill
In the time of the nutting.

The mornings are frosty,
The noons are a-gleam,
The blue air is quivering
Over the stream.
The wood ways are drifted
With billows of gold,
And the world sings a song
That can never grow old
In the time of the nutting.

Oh, ours is the laughter,
The frolic and mirth,
The heyday of autumn,
The bounty of earth.
The music that echoes
The whole world along
Is borne in our hearts
And enchained in our song
In the time of the nutting.


Montgomery, L.M. (1906, November). Nutting Song. The Farm Journal. 30(11): 374. Retrieved from:

Created November 2, 2022.

November 01, 2022

November Dusk by L.M. Montgomery

The Farm Journal masthead, November 1904

In November 1904, L.M. Montgomery published the poem "November Dusk" in The Farm Journal, a journal devoted to the farm, orchard, garden, poultry and household economy. The journal's motto was "Practical not Fancy Farming."

Here is a digitized image of the poem scanned from microfilm available at

November Dusk by L.M. Montgomery, Poem in The Farm Journal, November 1904

Here is the full text of the poem:


A weird and dreamy stillness falls upon
The purple, breathless earth, the wind-less woods,
The wimpling rims of valley solitudes,
The wide, gray stubble-fields and fallows wan—
A quiet hush, as if, her heyday gone,
Tired Nature folded weary hands for rest
Across the faded vesture of her breast,
Knowing her wintry slumbers hasten on.
Far and away beyond the ocean’s rim
The dull-red sunset fades into the gray
Of sombre, wind-rent clouds that marshall grim
Around the closing portals of the day,
While from the margin of the tawny shore
Comes up the voice of waters evermore.


Montgomery, L.M. (1904, November). November Dusk. The Farm Journal. 28(11): 372. Retrieved from:

Created November 1, 2022.

October 26, 2022

There was an indefinable change over everything that meant autumn.

A quote on autumn by L.M. Montgomery from her novel Jane of Lantern Hill.

"There was an indefinable change over everything that meant autumn."
-L.M. Montgomery
Jane of Lantern Hill

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read Jane of Lantern Hill:

Jane of Lantern Hill by L.M. Montgomery

Created October 26, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

October 11, 2022

Indian Summer by L.M. Montgomery

The Farm Journal masthead, October 1902

One hundred and twenty years ago, in October 1902, L.M. Montgomery published the poem "Indian Summer" in The Farm Journal, a journal devoted to the farm, orchard, garden, poultry and household economy. The journal's motto was "Practical not Fancy Farming."

L.M. Montgomery's poem was featured on the first page of the journal. Here is a digitized image of the poem scanned from microfilm available at

Indian Summer by L.M. Montgomery, Poem in The Farm Journal, October 1902

Here is the full text of the poem:


In the sun-warm valleys all sweet and low,
Shy, tender murmurs come and go
Among pale grasses; and far away
O’er the calm, blue rim of an upland still
And the peak of a far, light-smitten hill,
Wind-music drifts adown the day.

Perfect peace of a year fulfilled
Cometh now when the world is stilled
And, forgetting its turmoil of springtime days
And its later fever, takes its rest
In a golden completeness no storms molest
While the benediction of autumn stays.

Montgomery, L.M. (1902, October). Indian Summer. The Farm Journal. 26(10): 305. Retrieved from:

Created October 11, 2022.

October 06, 2022

The colour of home on an autumn dusk was an exquisite thing.

The colour of home on an autumn dusk was an exquisite thing by L.M. Montgomery in Mistress Pat.

"The colour of home on an autumn dusk was an exquisite thing."
-L.M. Montgomery
Mistress Pat

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read the Pat of Silver Bush series:

Pat of Silver Bush by L.M. Montgomery Mistress Pat by L.M. Montgomery

Created October 6, 2022. Last updated April 19, 2024.

October 02, 2007

Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner

Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner by L.M. Montgomery (1907)
After spending many hours searching through microfiche in my university's library, I rediscovered an 100-year-old short story by L.M. Montgomery. The story is called "Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner," and you can read it here exclusively. "Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner" was originally published in 1907 in The Housewife, the year before Anne of Green Gables was published. To my knowledge this story has never been republished since.

The story is about four sisters: Laura, Kate, Margaret, and Agnes, who narrates the tale. Each girl has her own ambitions. Laura wants to be an artist, Kate plays the violin, Margaret wants to get a college education, and Agnes wants to be a writer. Aunt Susanna faintly approves of Margaret's desire for an education, but disapproves of the artistic, musical, and literary goals of her other three nieces. The sisters try to please Aunt Susanna, hoping their wealthy aunt will send Margaret to college.

The story begins when Aunt Susanna arrives at her nieces's home. She's full of criticism, but also needs a favor. She is in a bind, and must travel from town to visit a sick relative. She needs the girls to prepare Thanksgiving dinner for her and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert upon their return home. Agnes has just told Aunt Susanna that she's a good cook, so she feels she must agree to prepare the meal. With trepidation, Agnes says she will cook dinner, and Kate volunteers to help her.

Despite the their best efforts, Agnes and Kate's Thanksgiving preparations turn out to be a disaster. Will they be able to save Thanksgiving and win Aunt Susanna's approval?

Read the original scanned story text below or download a PDF version here:

Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner by L.M. Montgomery (1907)

Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner by L.M. Montgomery (1907)

Updated to add: Long after I posted this story on my website, it was gathered into another collection online.

Montgomery, L.M. (1907, November). Aunt Susanna's Thanksgiving Dinner. The Housewife. pages 5 and 14.

Created October 2, 2007. Last updated November 24, 2022.