Showing posts with label Songs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Songs. Show all posts

November 02, 2022

Nutting Song by L.M. Montgomery

The Farm Journal masthead, November 1906

In November 1906, L.M. Montgomery published the poem/song lyrics "Nutting Song" in The Farm Journal, a journal devoted to the farm, orchard, garden, poultry and household economy. The journal's motto was "Practical not Fancy Farming."

Here is a digitized image of the poem scanned from microfilm available at

Nutting Song by L.M. Montgomery, Poem in The Farm Journal, November 1906

Here is the full text of the poem:


Light, light, rings our laughter
O’er valley and hill,
To chime with the musical
Call of the rill.
The blue skies above
With their sunshine o'erflow,
And over the meadows
Beguiling winds blow—
Heigh-ho for the nutting.

Through the boughs of the chestnuts
The mellow lights fall,
And the song of the nutters
Rings clear over all.
The maples are flame
On the crest of the hill,
And amethyst hazes
The far valleys fill
In the time of the nutting.

The mornings are frosty,
The noons are a-gleam,
The blue air is quivering
Over the stream.
The wood ways are drifted
With billows of gold,
And the world sings a song
That can never grow old
In the time of the nutting.

Oh, ours is the laughter,
The frolic and mirth,
The heyday of autumn,
The bounty of earth.
The music that echoes
The whole world along
Is borne in our hearts
And enchained in our song
In the time of the nutting.


Montgomery, L.M. (1906, November). Nutting Song. The Farm Journal. 30(11): 374. Retrieved from:

Created November 2, 2022.