Showing posts with label The Golden Road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Golden Road. Show all posts

May 23, 2024

The Golden Road and the Brattle Book Shop

Postcard-sized image of the 1913 cover of The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery with art by George Gibbs in The Brattle Book Shop, Boston

A few months back, I wrote about how I encountered an old copy of The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery unexpectedly. Today, I was looking through old photos on my phone, and I realized I had another encounter with The Golden Road last summer.

At the time, I was exploring the Brattle Book Shop in Boston. It's one of the oldest book shops in the U.S., having been established in 1825, and it's one of my favorite places. While I was wandering through the store, I spotted a postcard-sized image of the 1913 cover of The Golden Road with art by George Gibbs. The picture was affixed to the side of a bookshelf. 

The Golden Road
was first published in Boston by L.C. Page & Co in 1913. The Page Company was once located at 53 Beacon Street, just across the Boston Commons from the Brattle Book Shop. It's a short, less than 10-minute walk, between the publisher's office and the book shop. I imagine that first editions of L.M. Montgomery's novels were once sold in the Brattle Book Shop. I looked for an old copy of one of Montgomery's novels there, but had no luck finding one. Maybe next time.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Created May 23, 2024.

May 01, 2024

Sweet as a May mist

A photo of clouds and a quote from The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery: On that road we heard the song of morning stars; we drank in fragrances
aerial and sweet as a May mist....

"On that road we heard the song of morning stars; we drank in fragrances aerial and sweet as a May mist..."
-L.M. Montgomery
The Golden Road

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read The Story Girl and The Golden Road:

The Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery

Created May 1, 2024.

February 09, 2024

The Golden Road Finds Me

The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery on a bookshelf with other old books

Sometimes our lives intersect with people, with places, and with stories in unexplainable ways. These moments can feel like manifestations of serendipity, unexpected occurrences in life that bring us untold joy.

Earlier this week, my husband and I went out to dinner, and I experienced one of these unusual moments. We were walking down a beautiful staircase lined with books. I was admiring the design of the room and the old book covers. As I walked along, there was an old copy of The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery directly in front of me. Although I was scanning the shelves, I wasn't looking to find any book or author in particular. But somehow this book found me.

I stopped and stared at the book's blue spine for a moment. As I pulled my phone out of my purse to snap a photo, I called my husband back and pointed to the book. He looked at the book in surprise and bewilderment, asking me, "How did you find it?" I didn't have an answer. I hadn't been looking. Montgomery just tends to find me at various moments, on sometimes significant days, and in improbable places around the world. I'm left in wonder at the reason.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Created February 9, 2024.

February 01, 2024

a diamond winter day in February

A quote from The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery: It was a diamond winter day in February—clear, cold, hard, brilliant.

"It was a diamond winter day in February—clear, cold, hard, brilliant."
-L.M. Montgomery
The Golden Road

Read more quotes by L.M. Montgomery.

Image credit:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley.

Purchase and read The Story Girl and The Golden Road:

The Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery

Created February 1, 2024. Last updated April 19, 2024.

May 29, 2002

The Golden Road

The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery, 1913 frontispiece art by George Gibbs.

The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery was published in 1913 as a sequel to The Story Girl. In this novel, Bev reminisces of his friends and of days gone by on a golden road of childhood.

In The Golden Road, Sara and the other children decide to publish their own magazine to entertain themselves, named Our Magazine. Each child contributes to a particular column, including fiction, fashion, personals, and etiquette. They have several adventures together, including visits to the town "witch," Peg Bowen. Along with sharing adventures, the children have many fights and squabbles. They experience mishaps during a visit from their aunt and attend two weddings. In addition, they learn the secret of the Awkward Man and witness Cecily's bravery to support the missionaries.

By the end of the novel, the characters have grown. Sara, Bev, and Felix must leave Carlisle, and things will never be the same. But Bev's memories remain strong. As Blair Stanley states, "Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it."

Purchase and read The Story Girl and The Golden Road:

The Story Girl by L.M. Montgomery The Golden Road by L.M. Montgomery

Created May 29, 2002. Last updated February 2, 2022.

May 01, 2000

The Story Girl Series eTexts and Electronic Books

The Story Girl Series by L.M. Montgomery eTexts, Electronic Books, Kindle Books, cover artwork by Elly MacKay from the 2018 Tundra Books edition of the novel

Where can I read The Story Girl and The Golden Road online?

Below are external links to read The Story Girl novels by L.M. Montgomery online. You can also download the ebooks as epub files, plain text files, or books for your Kindle.

The Story Girl Series

The Story Girl
Text | HTML | EPUB | Kindle

The Golden Road
Text | HTML | EPUB | Kindle

Image credit:
The Story Girl cover artwork by Elly MacKay from the 2018 Tundra Books edition of the novel.

Created May 1, 2000. Last updated September 7, 2022.