May 22, 2024

Anne of Green Gables Crochet Doll

Last summer, I purchased an Anne of Green Gables crochet doll on Etsy from Zeylum's store. I thought the doll would a cute companion for my Anne of Green Gables books. It turned out that the Anne Shirley doll I was sent was different from the product photos.

Here's the product photo from Etsy:

My doll has much shorter braids, no bangs, and less hair. It has a higher forehead and less rosy cheeks. Its hat has also a different shape and has differently colored flowers. I much prefer the wide brimmed hat with the yellow, pink, and blue colored flowers in the product photo.

It's a bit disappointing. If you're thinking of purchasing one of these Anne Shirley dolls, then you might want to keep in mind that your doll may look different from the pictures online.

Image credits:
Photograph by World of Anne Shirley and product photo from Etsy.

Created May 22, 2024. Last updated June 4, 2024.

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