In 1934, L.M. Montgomery, Marian Keith, and Mabel Burns (M.B.) McKinley published a book called Courageous Women. This volume of nonfiction contained 21 “Inspiring Biographies of Girls who Grew to be Women of Courage and Achievement.” In this collection of biographical essays, L.M. Montgomery, Marian Keith, and M.B. McKinley told the stories of “Women of heroism, courage, endurance, resourcefulness, and cheerful spirit.” L.M. Montgomery wrote three sketches in the volume, namely the biographies of Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, and Mary Slessor of Calabar.
The book cover shown above features photographs of six of the women featured in the volume. Across the top row, from left to right, are Margaret Polson Murray, founder of the Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire, Florence Nightingale, the “noted pioneer among war nurses,” and Lady Tilley, who was active in Red Cross work and other public service. Across the bottom row, from left to right, are Marshall Saunders, C.B.E., “known the world over for her championship of dumb animals,” Aletta E. Marty, the first woman to hold the office of Public School Inspector in Canada, and Ada May Courtice, the founder of the Home and School Club Movement.
The 1934 book jacket for Courageous Women published by McClelland and Stewart describes the book as follows:
“A series of inspiring biographies of girls who grew to be women of courage and
achievement. Vivid human interest stories of women leaders in many fields of
activity. Fifteen out of the twenty-one sketches in the book deal with Canadian
women who have taken a prominent part in pioneer life, in mission work, in
education, in literature, and in various spheres of public service. Many of
these biographies appear now for the first time in book form.
Canadians will read with pride of the achievements of such courageous pioneers as Catharine Parr Traill and Elizabeth Mair; of the vision of Mrs. A. C. Courtice, founder of the Home and School Club movement; of Mrs. Clark Murray, founder of the I.O.D.E.; of Madame Albani, Canada’s Queen of Song; of courageous mission workers at home and abroad—Anna Gaudin, Sadie Stringer, Caroline MacDonald; of that leader in education, Dr. Aletta Elise Marty, of Marshall Saunders, beloved author and champion of dumb animals—and of many others.”
Canadians will read with pride of the achievements of such courageous pioneers as Catharine Parr Traill and Elizabeth Mair; of the vision of Mrs. A. C. Courtice, founder of the Home and School Club movement; of Mrs. Clark Murray, founder of the I.O.D.E.; of Madame Albani, Canada’s Queen of Song; of courageous mission workers at home and abroad—Anna Gaudin, Sadie Stringer, Caroline MacDonald; of that leader in education, Dr. Aletta Elise Marty, of Marshall Saunders, beloved author and champion of dumb animals—and of many others.”
Courageous Women includes the following twenty-one chapters:
1) The Maid of France: Joan of Arc
2) The Angel of the Crimea: Florence Nightingale
3) The Great White Ma: Mary Slessor of Calabar
4) A Brave Deed: Laura Secord
5) Happiness in a Log Cabin: Catharine Parr Traill
6) A Noble Girl Queen: Queen Victoria
7) Courage in Danger: Madeleine de Vercheres
8) From Darkness to Light: Helen Keller
9) A Friend of the School: Ada May Courtice
10) The Golden Chrysanthemum: Caroline MacDonald
11) A Loyal Pioneer of the West: Elizabeth Louise Mair
12) Caring for Indians: Anna J. Gaudin
13) A War Heroine: Edith Cavell
14) Braving the White North: Sadie Stringer
15) Canada's Queen of Song: Madame Albani
16) The Princess of the Paddle: (Tekahionwake) E. Pauline Johnson
17) A Leader in Education: Aletta Elise Marty
18) A Pupil at School: Dr. Margaret MacKellar
19) A Daughter of the Empire: Margaret Polson Murray
20) Service for Others: Lady Tilley
21) Champion of Dumb Animals: Marshall Saunders
Purchase and read the Courageous Women:

Created January 21, 2022.
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