Showing posts with label Anne of Green Gables (1985). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anne of Green Gables (1985). Show all posts

May 24, 2024

Megan Follows on Playing Anne of Green Gables

Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in the 1985 Anne of Green Gables miniseries

Megan Follows is known for playing the outspoken, imaginative and talkative Anne Shirley in the 1985 TV miniseries Anne of Green Gables, which was based on L.M. Montgomery's novel. In December 2023, Follows reminisced about how playing Anne Shirley changed her life in a podcast conversation with the CBC's Tom Power. In the introduction to the podcast, Power mentions how the conversation made him rethink Anne of Green Gables and consider how radical the story was then and how relevant it still is today. I loved their conversation. Give it a listen!

Sometimes actors dislike being identified with a particular role, but not Megan Follows. She expressed gratitude about playing Anne Shirley and emphasized how great it was to play a character that was "a girl that got to express rage." When asked about her relationship with the character, Follows responded, "I love Anne...She and I have a great relationship. We're tight. We're bosom buddies. I think she's an extraordinary character, and uhm, I always felt incredibly grateful to have played her and to have been introduced to a strong-willed, female-driven story where you got to be number one from the point of view of a story." Often, Follows reflects, women are the appendage in stories and not the backbone or driving force. In contrast, Anne has a driving force to belong and to be seen for herself, and Follows believes that this is what resonates with people.

Megan Follows delved back into L.M. Montgomery's stories in preparing to record an Emily of New Moon audiobook a few years ago and then to direct a new Audible Anne of Green Gables audiobook featuring Michela Luci, Catherine O’Hara, Victor Garber, and Sandra Oh. Follows remarks that her deep dive back into the stories allowed her to discover "the subversiveness of the text." She had previously understood Montgomery's humor, but now she observed her way of pointing out hypocrisy through Anne. Follows feels that the power of the character scares people.

Follows sees Anne's compulsive talking as coming from a dark place where Anne chooses to go toward the light, not out of naivety, but for her own survival. As an example, she mentions how Anne planned to sleep in a cherry tree at the train station. She believes that Anne came up with this idea for safety, but that Anne focused on the beauty of the blossoms because she was terrified to be abandoned and alone in the world. Follows says that Montgomery used poetry because children don't actually speak this way.

Follows also reflected on her amazing experiences working with Colleen Dewhurst (Marilla Cuthbert) and Patricia Hamilton (Rachel Lynde). She discussed how Richard Farnsworth (Matthew Cuthbert) was only available for six days of filming, so she worked very long hours with him to film his scenes. Later, she did scenes with a grip stand with a hat on it as a stand-in. Follows also talked about the raspberry cordial scene with Schuyler Grant, who played Diana Barry. They were giving Grant glasses of watered down grape juice or Ribena, and she really did get sick after filming the scene multiple times. Follows briefly mentioned that her heart always smiles for Jonathan Crombie and that they laughed a lot.

Power asked Follows about her audition for Anne. Strangely, the day after her audition, her tape disappeared, and she had to redo her audition at the last minute. Follows mentions that there was another actress who was the first choice for Anne Shirley and that she had to fight for the role. Luckily, she had advocates at the CBC and someone at PBS who believed that she was the right fit for the role.

Later, when asked about how the success of the miniseries affected her, she reflected that she is grateful that she did a good job playing Anne, and that she has received a tremendous amount of goodwill because of the character and how much the character and writing mean to people.

Toward the end of the conversation, Follows talked about how she is currently developing a limited series on the life of L.M. Montgomery, her legacy and the power of her writing. I can't wait to hear more.

Image credit:

Photograph of Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables © Sullivan Entertainment.

Created May 24, 2024.

October 31, 2008

Who is Your Fictional Crush?

Photograph of Jonathan Crombie as Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987) produced by Sullivan Entertainment

Might it be Gilbert Blythe or Anne Shirley?

I read a fun article on literary crushes by Alison Flood at The Guardian today that mentions Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables. Flood describes a petition that was launched in Japan to legalize marriages between humans and cartoon characters. Flood writes, "it made me wonder which fictional character I'd marry, legal niceties permitting. As a teenager I'd have plumped for any of the Georgette Heyer heroes (particularly the Earl of Rule), or Jilly Cooper's Rupert Campbell-Black, or Rhett Butler. Before those days I had quite a crush on Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables and Laurie from Little Women."

Do you have a fictional crush? If so, who is it? L.M. Montgomery's Gilbert Blythe is surely on my list. And I know from my many years on the Anne of Green Gables Forum that Jonathan Crombie's Gilbert makes many women swoon. We joked for years there about solid chocolate Gilbert dolls.

Flood, Alison. (2008, October 30). Who is your literary crush? The Guardian. Retrieved from:

Image credit:
Photograph of Jonathan Crombie as Gilbert Blythe and Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel © Sullivan Entertainment

Created October 31, 2008. Last updated April 19, 2024.

July 17, 2007


Dalvay-by-the-Sea in Dalvay, Prince Edward Island, Canada, photograph copyright World of Anne Shirley

Dalvay-by-the-Sea is a National Historic Site on the north shore of Prince Edward Island, Canada in Prince Edward Island National Park.

Dalvay-by-the-Sea was built by Alexander MacDonald, a wealthy industrialist from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. MacDonald fell in love with the region after he and his family vacationed on Prince Edward Island in 1895. After visiting the island, he bought 120 acres of land on the north shore and built a summer home there. MacDonald named his house “Dalvay-by-the-Sea” after his childhood home in Scotland. The building is a beautiful example of Queen Anne Revival architecture, featuring dormers, bay windows, and gables, and it overlooks the ocean and Dalvay Lake.

After MacDonald’s death, Dalvay-by-the-Sea changed hands several times. The property is now owned by Parks Canada. Dalvay is a seasonal hotel and restaurant, which is open from May until the end of October and managed by D.P. Murphy Group of Companies. You can book a stay at the hotel in a room or cottage or stop by for a meal. You may also make reservations for high tea on specific dates throughout the summer and fall.

For fans of Sullivan Entertainment’s Anne of Green Gables miniseries, Dalvay-by-the-Sea is recognizable as the White Sands Hotel. Anne Shirley, played by Megan Follows, recited “The Highwayman” there, impressing her friends and family from Avonlea and the wider population of Prince Edward Island. At the beginning of the sequel, Anne of Avonlea, Anne is busy writing on the dunes with Dalvay-by-the-Sea in the background when her manuscript is blown away by the wind, and she chases the loose pages. In addition, Dalvay-by-the-Sea was featured prominently as the White Sands Hotel in Sullivan Entertainment’s Road to Avonlea television series. Felix King worked at the hotel, and Hetty King became the hotel’s co-proprietor.

Dalvay-by-the-Sea is a beautiful place, and so is the view from the grounds. I spent some time enjoying the landscape from an Adirondack chair in the front yard of the hotel.

View of Dalvay Lake from Dalvay-by-the-Sea in Dalvay, Prince Edward Island, Canada, photograph copyright World of Anne Shirley

It’s a short walk from the hotel to Dalvay Beach, which is a striking and peaceful place.

Dalvay Beach, Prince Edward Island, Canada, photograph copyright World of Anne Shirley

The drive along the north shore near the hotel is remarkably pretty with lush grasses and dunes.

North Shore grasses, Prince Edward Island, Canada, photograph copyright World of Anne Shirley

During my visit to Prince Edward Island, I didn’t have a chance to stay at Dalvay-by-the-Sea or dine there, and I never saw the interior. I hope to visit it again one day and stay there.

Official Website:
Dalvay by the Sea

16 Cottage Crescent, Dalvay, PE, C0A 1P0, Canada.

Image credits:
Photographs by World of Anne Shirley.

Read More about Dalvay’s History. Dalvay by the Sea. Retrieved from:

Dalvay-by-the-Sea National Historic Site. Parks Canada. Retrieved from:

Introducing The "Real" White Sands Hotel - Dalvay By The Sea. Anne of Green Gables. Sullivan Entertainment. Retrieved from:

Pacheco, Adriana. 10 Anne of Green Gables Famous Filming Locations. Anne of Green Gables. Sullivan Entertainment. Retrieved from:

Created July 17, 2007. Last updated July 12, 2024.

April 17, 2001

Anne of Green Gables (1985)

Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables (1985)

Anne of Green Gables is a made-for-television miniseries that first aired on CBC TV in 1985. Sullivan Entertainment loyally adapted L.M. Montgomery's novel of the same name for the screen.

Directed by Kevin Sullivan, Anne of Green Gables starred Megan Follows as Anne Shirley, Colleen Dewhurst and Richard Farnsworth as siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, Jonathan Crombie as Anne's rival Gilbert Blythe, and Schuyler Grant as Anne's bosom friend Diana Barry. The film's music, composed by Hagood Hardy, is distinctive and memorable. Filmed in both Ontario and on Prince Edward Island, the beauty of the Canadian scenery is candy for the eyes.

The movie was highly acclaimed for its script, cast, and loyalty to the novel's character. The Toronto Star glowingly described Anne of Green Gables as, "Cult phenomenon. Cultural ambassador. Canadian heroine."
The miniseries earned countless awards in 1986, including nine Gemini Awards and an Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program. Kevin Sullivan received the George Peabody Award for Outstanding Contribution to Broadcasting for his work in bringing the film to life.

Image credit:

Photograph of Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables © Sullivan Entertainment.

External link:

Anne of Green Gables
: The Official Website

Purchase and watch Anne of Green Gables:

Anne of Green Gables DVD Set, The Kevin Sullivan Restoration Anne of Green Gables: The Complete Four-Part Collection, DVD Set, The Kevin Sullivan Restoration

Created April 17, 2001. Last updated March 18, 2021.